Profiles of our Friesian Horses

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Lolsje van 't Oost

(Oege pref x Feitse pref) a STARMARE, withers 1.65m, born 1995. As a foal she was already a first premium in Drachten (in the Netherlands) and as two-year-old Youth Champion and Overall Reserve Champion in Zeeland (province in NL). At the age of 4 years, she was placed 4th out of 38 horses, and became Star at the annual inspection in Esbeek, NL in 1999.

Lolsje is ridden under the saddle, one-in-hand and two-in-hand. She passed the ABFP-test in 1998 with good results. Currently Nella is training her and she is doing well in dressage.

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Ankelien van 't Vuurbaken

(Fabe x Oege) is a STARMARE out of Fabe 348, and daughter of Lolsje, height 1,63m, born 2000. Ankelien can do carriage driving and is saddled - currently we drive and ride her. Ankelien is very barock, with a long mane.

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Madelien van 't Vuurbaken

Madelien, Studbook Star 1st premium (height 1.68mtr), born February 2004, is the daughter of Ankelien. She is a mare with luxury and quality and, like her mother, can move very well. Her father is the stud stallion and showhorse Onne 376, who is the 2007 world champion. Madelien is a product of artificial insemination with deepfrozen semen.

With the inspection in February 2007 she became a STARMARE with a first premium, which is a very high qualification. The judges liked her very much and she holds great promise for the future. At present she is in training with Debbie Bird.

Madelein was Champion in hand at the Piketberg Show 2008 and Senior Champion in hand and in riding class at the Piketberg Show 2009.

Madelien became one of the top Friesian mares in South Africa with a 1st premium and was upgraded on the last inspection of May 2010 to "Voorlopig Kroon". All she has to do is to complete a IBOP-test and with sufficient results, Madelien will be awarded the "Kroon" status. We hope to achieve this in 2013. Debbie Bird is her trainer and both horse and rider are making good progress.

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Sibbelien van 't Vuurbaken

Sibbelien, the third daughter of Lolsje out of Tsjerk pref 328, was born in September 2005. She is also a product from AI with deepfrozen semen. She had a 2nd premium with the 2006 inspection and is a very luxury horse with powerful movement. Also very promising for the future as a show/breeding horse. Pierre is lunging her two times a week at present while Jason Roberts (also our farrier) is riding her under saddle.

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Tjardalien van 't Vuurbaken

Tjardalien, also a daughter (fourth) out of Lolsje is just as her full sister Sibbelien, a product of deepfrozen semen out of Tsjerk 328 pref. At the inspection in 2007 she was registered with a 2nd premium. At this moment she is our last baby and very spoilt because she is very sweet tempered, luxury and has a super movement. Pierre started up the training with her once a week in the lunging ring.

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Jonsje van 't Oost

Jonsje, height 1.69m, was born in 1995. This tall Studbook mare arrived, together with Lolsje, from Friesland, NL (Makkinga) with us in 1995. Jonsje is from a starmare of Fokke (son of famous Ritske 202 Preferent) and her father is Tjomme 329. We ride dressage under saddle and also put her in front of the carriage.

She is trained by Nella at the moment and is taken for outrides. Nella is riding her the dressage way and a lot of visitors enjoy her, they love her because she is big and beautiful - barock with a long mane.

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Maria Sweetheart HB

A a small retired hulpbook mare, born in 1987 and was a very good showhorse with good temperament. Her father is Venus and mother is Benna Twis. She looks very barok and still has a lot of fire in her. She has three sons - Wickus, Jelle Friso and Okke and a daughter, Hiskelien van 't Vuurbaken.

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Okke van 't Vuurbaken

Okke is the last baby of Maria Sweetheart (who is retired now). Okke was born in October 2004 and is very barok, with a long mane, and the looks of his father Pike 316. A very promising dressage horse hopefully like his father, who was high in dressage before he died in 1998 (far too young). Okke is also like his half brother Jelle, a product of deepfrozen semen.

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Another son of Maria Sweetheart is the gelding Wickus, our working horse of the stud, born in 1998, whose father is Brun of Smitsvlei. Wickus is used in one-, two- and four-in-hand but also ridden under the saddle. Wickus is very much a showhorse in front of the carriage but, for a good rider, a pleasent horse for an outride.

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